Tram pheasants and sparrowhawks at work

I was standing at Langsett Road tram stop this morning and commented that there were a lot of birds around – including magpies, feral pigeons, wood pigeons, crows, gulls, mistle thrushes, blackbirds, blue tits.

Then two female pheasants walked into view in the grass bank right by the tram stop on the other side of the road. I know they’re hardly the rarest of birds, but you don’t expect them by the side of a busy urban road, especially as as bird species go they’re remarkably good at getting squashed under vehicles.

Saw another raptor out of the work window today, albeit a brief glimpse. I’d love to say it was a second sighting of the peregrine, but I’m almost sure it was a sparrowhawk. I must be in a prime position for raptor-spotting…